Scott Osborn is “The Airline Advisor” and is renowned for his service to airline pilots. Scott’s affinity for aviators first came when he was a ground pounding infantry officer in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. His practice is now dedicated to serving airline pilots across the country.
He uses a detailed planning approach to craft investment, tax, and risk management plans for pilots and their families to help them get the most out of their Fidelity 401k, streamline the decision making and investment process, and most importantly get the right things done quickly.
He will help you stop worrying about whether you’re “doing the right thing” or not, and help you stop procrastinating on these important decisions and action items so you can focus on the most important things in life: flying safely and getting home to your family.
Your 401k is or will likely be your largest asset for retirement.
Are you paying attention to it and treating it with that level of respect?
Most pilots don’t. They login, pick some target date fund and set it and forget it. Or build what feels like a “great portfolio”….all based on PAST returns (sound familiar) and don’t take the time to manage it moving forward. These may seem like small missteps but, compounded over a pilot’s career, can cost them millions of dollars.